Illuminating Life
Muséplassen 3
All living beings are made up of cells. Cells are so small that they are difficult to observe properly, even through the microscope.
Illuminated Cells
At the Department of Clinical Dentistry at the University of Bergen, researchers explore cells with the aid of a phenomenon known as fluorescence. Molecules with fluorescent properties “glow” when exposed to certain wavelengths of light, enabling the researchers to visualise different components within cells. This method is helping uncover the potential of the body’s unique stem cells.
The Remarkable Properties of Stem Cells
Stem cells have the unique ability to develop into different types of specialised cells, such as skin, bone, or blood cells, and to grow new tissue. The researchers are exploring how the properties of stem cells can be utilised to regenerate tissue, organs or even parts of the human body, when needed, such as from injuries or disease.
During the research process, postdoctoral research fellow Shuntaro Yamada captures high-resolution images through the microscope. These images provide insight into the regenerative abilities and complex structures of stem cells. By illuminating life’s tiny building blocks, fluorescence helps us gain a deeper understanding of biomedicine.
The exhibition will be open from 5 March until mid-May.
Exhibition Details
- The exhibition opens on 4. March, running until mid-May 2025.
- Created in collaboration with:
- Department of Clinical Dentistry, UiB
- Research and Innovation Department, UiB (Yves Aubert)
- Bergen Tissue Engineering
- Mohn Centre for Regenerative Medicine, UiB/HelseVest
Exhibition Team:
- Scientific Supervisor: Shuntaro Yamada
- Curator: Marianne Lid Iversen
- Production Manager: Erik Markestad
- Video Producer/Director: Frode Ims, UiB Learning Lab
- Coordinator: Åshild Sunde Feyling Thorsen
- Content Production: Bjørn T. Bøe
- Museum Technician: Johann Nymark Hannisdal
- IT/AV: Mattias Arvastsson