Panelsamtale om The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project
Muséplassen 3, Tårnsalen

Velkommen til panelsamtale lørdag 14. september klokken 14:00 i Tårnsalen på Universitetsmuseet!
Denne samtalen samler den belgiske kunstneren Koen Vanmechelen, paleontologiprofessor Hanneke Meijer og antropolog Karin Lillevold fra Universitetet i Bergen. Samtalen ledes av debattredaktør Gitte Sætre fra Kunsthall 3,14.
Panelsamtalen er et samarbeid mellom Kunsthall 3,14 og Universitetsmuseet, arrangert i forbindelse med åpningen av utstillingen The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project dagen før, 13. september klokken 18:00, under Kulturnatt på Kunsthall 3,14.
Lørdagens samtale vil utforske hvordan kunst kan utfordre og berike vår forståelse av biologisk og kulturelt mangfold. I The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project krysser Vanmechelen hønseraser fra hele verden for å skape en "kosmopolitisk" høne som bærer genene til alle planetens hønseraser. Et av spørsmålene som vil bli diskutert er:
Hvordan kan vi forstå forholdet mellom mennesker og dyr i lys av The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project? Antropolog Karin Lillevold vil dele innsikter fra sin forskning på menneske-dyr-relasjoner og diskutere hvordan prosjekter som dette kan belyse paradokser i Antropocen.
Kan langsiktige mønstre i fuglenes mangfold påvirke vårt syn på prosjekter som Vanmechelens? Paleontolog Hanneke Meijer vil diskutere fuglenes rolle gjennom historien og hvordan arkeologisk materiale kan gi oss en dypere forståelse av genetisk mangfold.
Dette er en unik sjanse til å oppleve Tårnsalen, et av Bergens vakreste rom, som kun åpnes for spesielt utvalgte arrangementer. Lørdagens samtale gir en sjelden mulighet til å delta i en tverrfaglig dialog som forener kunst, vitenskap og kultur for å reflektere over vår plass i naturen.
Arrangementet er gratis, men husk å hente billett i museumsbutikken. Christie Café vil holde åpent for servering.
Tid: 14:00 - 15:00
Pris: Gratis
Arrangør: Universitetsmuseet i Bergen og Kunsthall 3,14
Welcome to a panel discussion on Saturday, September 14, at 14:00 in the Tower Hall (Tårnsalen) at the University Museum!
This discussion brings together Belgian artist Koen Vanmechelen, Professor of Paleontology Hanneke Meijer, and anthropologist Karin Lillevold from the University of Bergen. The conversation will be moderated by debate editor Gitte Sætre from Kunsthall 3,14.
The panel discussion is a collaboration between Kunsthall 3,14 and the University Museum, organized in conjunction with the opening of the exhibition The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project on the previous day, September 13, at 18:00 during Culture Night at Kunsthall 3,14.
Saturday’s discussion will explore how art can challenge and enrich our understanding of biological and cultural diversity. In The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project, Vanmechelen crossbreeds chicken breeds from around the world to create a "cosmopolitan" chicken carrying the genes of all the planet's chicken breeds. One of the questions to be addressed is:
How can we understand the relationship between humans and animals in light of The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project? Anthropologist Karin Lillevold will share insights from her research on human-animal relations and discuss how projects like this can shed light on the paradoxes of the Anthropocene.
Can long-term patterns in avian diversity influence our view of projects like Vanmechelen’s? Paleontologist Hanneke Meijer will discuss the role of birds throughout history and how archaeological material can give us a deeper understanding of genetic diversity.
This is a unique opportunity to experience the Tower Hall, one of Bergen’s most beautiful rooms, which is only opened for specially selected events. Saturday’s discussion offers a rare chance to participate in an interdisciplinary dialogue that unites art, science, and culture to reflect on our place in nature.
The event is free, but please remember to pick up a ticket at the museum shop. Christie Café will be open for refreshments.
Location: Muséplassen 3
Time: 14:00 - 15:00
Price: Free
Organizers: University Museum of Bergen and Kunsthall 3,14
About the Participants:
Koen Vanmechelen is an internationally renowned Belgian artist known for his work at the intersection of art, science, and societal issues. His project The Cosmopolitan Chicken Project explores biocultural diversity through the crossbreeding of chicken breeds from around the world. Vanmechelen’s work addresses themes such as identity, globalization, and the relationship between humans and nature, and it is exhibited in leading museums and biennales globally.
Karin Lillevold is an anthropologist at the University of Bergen focusing on human-animal relations and social science perspectives on the Anthropocene. Her research examines the paradoxes in the interaction between humans and nature, and she actively contributes to discussions on sustainability and biodiversity in a time marked by environmental changes.
Hanneke Meijer is a researcher at the University of Bergen, specializing in paleontology and evolutionary biology. She studies long-term patterns in avian diversity and their development over time. Her research utilizes archaeological material and modern techniques to understand the role of birds in ecosystems and their relationship to human culture and history.
Gitte Sætre is a debate editor at Kunsthall 3,14, where she curates and moderates conversations on art and societal issues. She works to create engaging discussions that challenge, inspire, and explore the possibilities within the realm of art.